Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Going up?


Not a skate video, but this had to be posted. Leo Romero, up a handrail. Incredible!


  1. Couldn't get the photo smaller. If you drag it to your desktop, you can see the real size.

  2. Templeton went up a rail in jump off a building but it looked nothing like this. This is fucking ridiculous. I don't want to see anymore of this.

  3. There was a guy in one of the Tampa Ams awhile back who was trying to grind up one of the funbox rails. He kept slamming and everyone there disregarded him as the dork trick guy. But now every little kid in Southern California will be trying this.

  4. image how stupid you would feel when you sack on a rail because you were trying to grind up it.

  5. To answer your question that you never asked, he sacked each time he tried it.
