Monday, January 26, 2009

Davis Torgerson - Boondoggle

Here's a little part from young Real and Nike am Davis Torgerson. Minnesota local kid, local video. Kills stairs, rails, ledges, big gaps, and even a few unique spots in between, all with a nice style. Youtube quality sucks so I'll post the quicktime link as well.

1 comment:

  1. I actually considered posting this part earlier. I'm glad someone did because Torgerson is friggin' good. I've been trying to tell people about the nollie frontside hurricane, but it must be seen to be believed. Nice choice. Local bro' vids have skating that is awesome and spots that are better then that southern California blah. I mean really, does anyone want to see another nosegrind on one of those yellow benches? Nice post, Berger.
