Friday, January 30, 2009

The Coolest Name Ever

Seriously, if you think that every trick ever has been done, then this part should prove you wrong. The backside 270 kf to lip on the curb is my fav, but the bigspin hurricane is pretty cool too. Ocean Howell from H-Street's Next Generation. He still skates and there was an interview in Slap about a year or so ago that talked about him going to school for a Ph.D in urban planning or some shit. Rad.


  1. wow! big spin boardslide big spin out on the bench soo good. umm manual laser flip out. how the hell does he get curbs to grind like a flat bar. i just wish the fisheye stuff wasnt filmed so poorly so you could see it better

  2. The days when a good parking lot equaled a video part.

  3. Do I spy a pressure flip? I personally liked that 180 impossible thing down the stairs.
