Friday, May 15, 2009

Ron Whaley

ahhh, these were the days. this video illuminates a time when you could still film a line on a bench in a tennis court, skate a five stair handrail, and wear white sneakers, all while skating for a major board sponsor. back then life was simple. introducing the whale, ron whaley.


  1. Why can't jordan do 360˚ flips? I mean, the guy has been skating for such a long time. Just asking

  2. The whale is awesome and so is this part. I think ollie impossible is a good enough substitute for a 360 flip. I think you do those as much as you do 360 flips though.

  3. Shut it, John. I gots the impossibles. Just wait till you come out here and I smash an impossible over your face. It's possible.

  4. I hope it doesn't look like a 360 shove it. Dude I was at Farmington skatepark the other day and Bruce Till was there surveying the ramps because they are getting crappy. I chatted with him for a bit. It felt a little weird. No more fee for skating it though and no helmets, which is pretty great.

  5. Isn't the park nearly 10 years old now? They should take the stupid fence down already.
