Friday, May 8, 2009

Guy- Mouse

Does anyone else think Guy's Epicly Laterd has gone on for way too long? How many episodes does one need to say "I was on drugs."


  1. Ya, man, it is quite long. I think I've been watching too much epicly later'd because I'm starting to think that all pro skaters have/had drug or drinking problems.

  2. what do you expect when you take a bunch of unsocialized ruffians who have addictive tendencies (that's why they are good at skateboarding) and give them more addictive substances. this is not tyler.

  3. I wouldn't blame it on addictive tendencies completely, as not everybody is like this. It probably has more to do with most pros starting off as little kids in the industry. They're getting money and fame by pretty much fucking around and having fun. There's no real work ethic or responsibility. Compare having Jamie Thomas as your boss to Steve Rocco (who Guy did work for). No one probably ever taught him how to act like an adult. I remember reading an interview with Fred Gall and he pretty much said the same thing (he turned pro at a very young age, and eventually blew all his money on strippers and drugs).

  4. skateboarding is rebelious in its nature, as is the use of drugs and alcohol. they go hand in hand like poo and pee.
