Sunday, November 29, 2009

When is everyone gonna get real jobs?

Ok so heres my question. Some bloggers here have been
skating for years more then me. How does skateboarding
treat your knees in the later years of life? Do you have trouble
walking, do you find yourself only allowing limited tries when
jumping down stairs? Im starting to realize that no matter
the trick whether it be an ollie or a backside 540 inward heel,
you gotta land it within 3 tries to minimize soreness when jumping
down stairs.

Are our legs/knees screwed for later in life?


  1. Boudreau, you damned fool. Imagine I am a doctor (because I basically am) and you come to me saying, "Dude, whenever I jump down stairs, my knees hurt. What gives?" I am going to tell you to stop jumping down stairs. I stopped jumping those high gaps like 7 years ago. Skateboarding is hard on the knees and combine that with jumping down stairs makes matters even worse.

    In conclusion, Doctor Jordan says "Take some Advil."

  2. What I basically do is just ignore the pain and jump down them anyway.
    Like Tony Hawk once said, if you aint getting vertical you might as well quit.
    Or in the words of Henry Hammers, anything under 20 stairs is just a warm up for the big show.

    So basically I just gotta land stuff quicker

  3. Tony Hawk does kneeslides fool.
